World of Naruto

Donate to World of Naruto MUD - Terms and Conditions

By donating, you agree to the following:

  • You are a wonderful person who is helping to keep World of Naruto Multi-User Dungeon (WONMUD) running.
  • All donations will be used to help to pay for the hosting costs of the MUD ( 9000) and the website (
  • Donations can be as big or as small as you like and can be in any currency, with the only restrictions being made by PayPal.
  • By mutual agreement between the donor (you) and the owner of WONMUD (Adrian Meredith aka Ichike) prior to the donation, you may get an in-game benefit to an account of your choosing, if agreed to prior to the donation.
  • Current standard in-game benefits are: US $1 for 1,000 mission points and US $1 for a personal anki point PANKI (one per account) at a place of your choosing with 6 one-way links to rooms of your choosing.
  • Any other in-game benefits may be suggested and, on mutual agreement between the donor (you) and the owner of WONMUD (Adrian Meredith aka Ichike), may be accepted.
  • Any donations that are associated with agreed in-game benefits will have in-game benefits given to the player as soon as possible after the donation is received.
  • Donors are still bound by the rules of the MUD, and in situations in-game in which you would ordinarily be punished you will still be punished, including in-game arrests, loss of equipment, loss of mission points, loss of levels, deletion of your account and site bans.
  • Donations do not excuse you from the in-game rules and do not allow you to cheat or otherwise behave badly.
  • In the absence of an agreement made prior to the donation, it will be assumed that the donation is out of the goodness of your heart with no reciprocal in-game benefit.

    This information is true as of 15 February 2018.

    Donate to WONMUD via PayPal


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